Bomber Field Annual Warbird Meet

All pictures by George (Twinman) Lumpkin

Blue Texas skies and warbirds, what a great combination for good times at the Annual Bomber Field Warbird Meet

Mr. Bomber Field, BB Weber, shows his latest four engine project. This Connie is built from Don Smith plans and is powered by four OS 91 engines. BB will use two Futaba receivers and four batteries to keep things airborne.

A look inside Mr. Weber's hangar/workshop. Be careful, drool will ruin your keyboard.

Does your hangar house some B-17's, a Russian Bear, a Connie, a B-29, assorted single engine warbirds and a couple of civi fliers and the room to show them off all put together and neatly arranged?

"This is a B-25 flown by Mr. Larry Smith of Kenner Louisiana.
Really good looking, and fantastic sound." (Twinman

Larry brings his B-25 in for a smooth landing on the Bomber Field main runway.

"This Hanger Nine P-51 flies like a sport plane", says the proud owner Mr. Wiley Brown. He should know, as he is not only a hobbyist, but owns a local Houston Hobby shop, and is a Continental Intercontinental pilot himself. The plane has a Saito 100 that is, per Mr. Brown, the perfect power source for this plane. Says that it has none of the heavy flight, landing, and snap roll problems of other warbirds." (Twinman)

The World Miniature Warbird Association was represented by their East Texas Squadron.

"Want to win a flying model of a B-17. You can get a chance for two bucks.....OK so you have to add the receiver and balance it, but I would risk the inconvenience!!!
How about a 1/4 scale P-51 Mustang kit....same possibilty....if you are into single engine planes!!" (Twinman)

"This is one of Mr. BB Weber's numerous bombers, a B-17. This plane uses on board starters on OS 70 four stroke engines. It is an American Eagle model that sports a 10'6" wing and weighs 46 lbs." (Twinman)

"Sid Orsack with his P-51 and Corsair. With washout built into the wing, he drops the flaps and landing gear and makes one of the slowest flybys I have ever seen."
(Daryl A. Pickett)


Mr. Grant Wilson of Tulsa Oklahoma and helpers start all six engines on his B-36.

Grant's B-36 comes in for a landing after another successful flight. Grant has two of these bombers and says they are basically scratch built using an old Kyosho control line kit as a guide.

A great Texas event and thank you Twinman for these beautiful pictures.


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